Sing Box Server Configuration and Installation Guide

Installing Sing-Box

[If you have not bought a server, we recommend Vultr, a reliable service.]

Sing-Box installation can be accomplished by different methods, depending on your operating system.

For Debian systems, use the following command to install:

bash <(curl -fsSL

For Redhat systems, use:

bash <(curl -fsSL

For Archlinux systems, use:

bash <(curl -fsSL

If you prefer a manual installation, select the appropriate version from the download link on the homepage.

Configuring Settings

The default configuration file is located at ‘/etc/sing-box/config.json’. Refer to the official configuration manual for details about configuration parameters.

Configuring SSL/TLS Certificates

It’s recommended to configure SSL/TLS certificates to ensure communication security. This can be done by specifying the paths to the certificate and key files in the configuration. If you don’t have an existing certificate, Sing-Box supports using the ACME protocol to automatically apply for and manage Let’s Encrypt certificates. For configuring ACME-related parameters such as domain, email address, etc., refer to the relevant parameter descriptions.

Managing Sing Box

Starting the Service:

sudo systemctl start sing-box

Stopping the Service:

sudo systemctl stop sing-box

Checking the Running Status:

sudo systemctl status sing-box